SKU: DS-491


Reusable Balloon Ground Pole Kits

SKU: DS-491 Category: Tag:

Draw attention to your front line!

Large reusable balloons are now front and center using this new pole kit!
NO HELIUM NEEDED! The sturdy steel Ground Spike insures your pole will not tip over. Simply use your foot or hammer to secure the spike into the ground.

Size:  8 ft. (including Reusable Balloon)

Kit Includes:
• 35″ tall sturdy aluminum pole
• 30″ tall fiberglass & reinforced plastic Balloon Holder
• Balloon Adapter
• 27″ tall steel Ground Spike

• 20″ Reusable Balloon
(your color choice)

Balloon Colors:  Yellow, Orange, Red, Pink, Blue, Green, White

Weight N/A

Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Red, White, Yellow

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